Sensitivity, Money, and Power - A Radical Reclamation

I work with many powerful people who have gentle hearts: coaches, healers, therapists, and creative artists.

Their sensitivity is the source of their power, even if they have a challenge seeing it this way. In a culture that financially rewards more aggressive forms of power, reclaiming the financial power of their sensitivity is a radical act.

Somewhere along the way ((patriarchy)) we as a culture internalized the narrative that our healing work, our creative work, our nurturing work, and our sacred work, was no more than an extension of a pure heart. To expect (or demand adequate) financial compensation tainted this purity.

This may sound like an outdated extreme, yet it still reverberates in our behaviors as both providers and *consumers* (take a moment to notice if this is so...).

Does this resonate with you?

I am often at this exact crossroads with my clients, helping them to reconcile this common tension: your desire to do your heart's work, the need to support your livelihood, yet wanting to still be a "good person" (read: not a money-obsessed capitalist).

This conflict is compounded for those who are highly sensitive - we feel another's discomfort, judgement or projected money shame and can unconsciously internalize it as an assessment of our self worth.

This conflict is compounded even more for those who work for themselves - where a predictable paycheck is replaced with a direct, relational exchange of value and money - money that we need to create stability in our lives.

The desire to make more money can surface feelings of shame - am I greedy? am I selfish? am I entitled?

The desire to make more money can surface feelings of doubt - is what I do even worthy? is what I do of any value?

These conflicted feelings often translate into avoidance of money in general. Or never having enough money. Or being disorganized with money. Or feeling overwhelmed and paralyzed about money.

This is why making money in exchange for sharing your gifts—your time, your skill, expertise, art, and yes, your heart—is a radical act. In valuing your work and seeing yourself as worthy of receiving money—not selfish, greedy, or entitled—becomes a reclamation of your power.

And I will add: not receiving enough money only perpetuates a cycle of exploitation - only in self-employment, it becomes self-exploitation (deep, slow breaths here...with a renewed commitment to do things differently, because you are so very worthy).

Allowing more MONEY—time, rest, support, fulfillment—IN can be edgy, uncomfortable, and deeply, deeply healing.

I am passionate about granting permission, mending this cultural wound, and helping to liberate more and more people from this tension. Why? Because there has never been a more important time to tip the financial scales back into balance and ensure power is equitably and rightfully dispersed.

I have just opened the doors to my E X P A N D course which is a very special space I created for all who are resonating with what I am sharing.

I know there is a different way to earn - one that is generative, nourishing, and respectful of all involved. We are learning and practicing a new way together. Thank you for being a part of this journey—even if you aren't self-employed, you have read this far and I am so grateful.


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    Wealth Doula, Explained